Macabre Monday
Meet the Maniac
Meet The Maniac VII

Meet The Maniac VII

Welcome to Michael's World
Cross-post from Macabre Monday
Hello everyone. I was interviewed by Maya Beckley (known in Substack-world as 'The Chronicler') in the 'Meet the Maniac' podcast. Enjoy my voice as I talk about fiction, the horror genre, how I got into writing, and many more. -

Today, our maniac is

! Join us as we discuss speaking our truth, science fiction, fantasy, and his inspirations.



Your Weekly Horror Directory

The Alchemists (Original Fiction)

“Guilt Eats Away at Me” by

“Wrath” by

“Scumville - Part 7” by

“Some Infinities are Bigger than Others” by

“An Echo in the Bone (Audio)” by

“Microdosing - 70mg of Bones” by

“The Heart Knows What the Eyes Deny” by

“Flesh and Blood: Chapter 9” by

“Dark Waves - Chapter 2” by

“The Magic Show” by

“Hank” by

“Tail” by

The Detectives (Original Non-Fiction)

“The Great Stink” by

“March 2024 Wrap-Up” by

“Wait—Bram Stoker said Van Helsing was BASED on Someone?” by

“but my name was Elisa Day - the musical horror storytelling of Where the Wild Roses Grow” by

The Muses (Poetry)

“Drip” by

“Skin-Deep” by

The Collectors (Boom/Film Recommendations)

“April Fools Day” by

“Carnel” by

The Dissectors (Book/Film Reviews)

“Cinemuse | Secret Window (2004)” by

“The Salt Grows Heavy” by

The Loudmouths (Notes)

“Ties” by

“Throwback to Youtube” by

“Terraria” by

“A Tale of Poison and Annihilation” by

“What Horror is Hiding in the Fog?” by

“Stephen King’s Dirty Birdies” by

Found Footage (Videos)

“Manslaughter Demo (FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING)” by

Macabre Monday
Meet the Maniac
Insane interviews of the Macabre Monday community based out of Substack. Brought to you by the Macabre Monday team, featuring your host The Chronicler and her monthly victim. Tune in for an horribly good time!
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Appears in episode
Jeff Kinnard