Oct 12, 2023Liked by Michael P. Marpaung

Interesting one. I think we briefly touched on this in our second talk. There needs to be a balance between globalism (in order to be able to participate in today's globalized world) and nationalism (owning your unique identity as a nation instead of becoming increasingly 'Americanized' or 'westernized').

Interesting to point out that higher educational institutions are one of the mechanisms through which American culture is being spread across the world. I think it is still true that Indonesians perceive higher education from western institutions as being more valuable than our domestic equivalent.

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I figured you'd like this one. I think higher education (and perhaps education in general) is definitely how American culture is being spread to the elites other countries, especially third-world countries who see education from these institutions as more valuable all else being equal. This is in contrast to the lower class/commoners, who probably picked up American culture through pop culture stuff like Hollywood movies and whatnot.

(And yes, this a very late comment lol. I wanted to reply sooner but I just kept putting it off)

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Michael P. Marpaung

I'd say the biggest problem is that America is no longer the America that became great. There are elements of American culture that are worthy of emulation. Other elements are simply various forms of decadence and degeneracy.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Author

I think there's truth to this. Not that 80s American culture is perfect, but personally, I would have very little problem with Americanization if it doesn't involve rainbow flags and Hollywood/Disney movies.

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